FM Global Distribution is a highly innovative company based in Virginia, USA supplying Health, Household, Beauty & Personal care, Toys and Electronic products in the USA and worldwide. Our mission is to be able to provide a wide range of brands and to guarantee that we offer the best prices in the market. ​

Since the the company was formed, we have been focused on searching for better ways to serve our customers, with long-term business relationships. We work closely with brands, wholesalers and distributors whom we have mutually-beneficial relationships with, which ensures that we are kept up to date with products. This enables us to provide the best rated goods at the lowest prices to our customers. ​

Our customers are beauty salons, online retailers, traditional shops (drugstores/perfume stores) as well as wholesale companies of various sizes. We are currently working with 100+ businesses across Europe, North America, Asia and the Middle-East. We love to work with all types of businesses, with no such thing as being too small’